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To respect and present the dynamic history of the site and grow our community's collective memory, we are inviting people to contribute their personal stories about their relationship to the Lakeshore.

Sharing Your Experience 

Your participation in the study is completely voluntary and you may choose to stop participating at any time.  Your decision not to volunteer will not influence the nature of your relationship with Humber College either now, or in the future. There is no financial compensation for your participation.

Your true story may include, but are not limited to: experiences with the (former) Lakeshore Psychiatric Hospital, the evolution of the natural environment and park, and Humber College. Your story can be contributed by audio, written text, or visual interpretation and may require approximately 30 minutes of your time. 

Where will my story go?

With your consent, the collected oral history will be displayed in a variety of media. Such as: within the physical Interpretive Centre and exhibitions; the Interpretive Centre website; and, audio stations throughout the Lakeshore Campus. You may opt-in to have your story publicly displayed with the Interpretive Centre and its website or, you may choose to contribute your story only for research purposes.

All contact information will remain confidential in an encrypted database with the investigators of this research. Your story will remain confidential unless you opt-in for public display on the Consent Form (attached). Please note that even if you opt-in to the public display option, it may not be included in the Interpretive Centre due to spatial and equipment constraints. In this case, participants may also opt-in to the online option.

Before opening the Interpretive Centre, the Principal Investigator will keep you updated on potential edits to your story (spelling, grammar, and word count), and how and where your story will be displayed. No changes will be made to your story without your approval. 

Potential Risks & Solutions

Research & Withdrawal

Due to the nature of the site’s history which includes mental health, city development, and environmental sustainability, you may experience emotional changes when reflecting on personal experiences. The investigators will ensure that you are able to take your time in developing your story and that it is told authentically with your full approval. No pressure or time constraints will be placed on you, and each conversation between you and the investigators will be open-ended and to your full discretion.

If there are any concerns and/or edits to your story, please contact the Principal Investigator. They will make all efforts to adjust the story within two weeks of the concern being brought to attention. 

The Humber Research Ethics Board has approved this proposal.

If there are any questions about this project, contact Dr. Paul Griffin, REB Chair, 416-675-6622 ext. 3226,

You may decline or withdraw from this project at any time without negative consequences by informing the Principal Investigator.

Contact Information

Principal Investigator
Tara Mazurk
416-675-6622 ext. 4451
Humber Lakeshore, Room L1002
21 Colonel Samuel Smith Drive.
Toronto, ON. M8V 4B6


Wanda Buote
Principal, Humber Lakeshore Campus
416-675-6622 ext. 3332

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