Audio Descriptions
Outdoor Exhibition at the Lakeshore
March to May 2016
The following playlist features the audio descriptions that accompany the outdoor exhibition posterboards about the Lakeshore Grounds. These boards will be displayed at Humber College's Lakeshore Campus from March to May 2016 as a part of Myseum of Toronto's first annual #MyseumIntersections festival.
About Myseum of Toronto
Myseum of Toronto is a a non-profit organization led by a group of private citizens committed to telling the story of Toronto’s natural spaces, cultures, history, archaeology, and architecture. Through collaborative programming experiences, Myseum’s objective is to foster a greater appreciation of our city. Using Toronto as the exhibit, Myseum is not one place, it’s every place. Myseum programs are co-created by present and former Torontonians from across the GTA and around the world.
For more information about Myseum Intersections, visit

The music featured on this playlist is from Podington Bear and licensed under an Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 International License.