Featuring the artwork of Lisa Compton
Third Floor Gallery
October 11, 2022 - January 20, 2023
Wild About the City
Sharing the Urban Environment with Wildlife
Hosted in the Third Floor Gallery of the Lakeshore Grounds Interpretive Centre, this exhibit will feature a mix of scratchboard, oils, pastels, and acrylics by local artist and Humber alumna, Lisa Compton. The artworks represent the diverse flora and fauna of the Toronto area, highlighting the relationship between wildlife and urban spaces. Taking an anthropomorphized perspective, each work will present a unique voice from a subject speaking from its urbanized landscape.
Experience another perspective on animals commonly thought to be dangerous or pestilential and develop a new understanding of the influence of urban expansion on local wildlife. Reflect on past assumptions, develop an appreciation for our natural neighbours, and learn how to safely cohabitate in our shared spaces.
To see more of Lisa's work before the exhibit, visit her website!
Join us for an exhibition celebration by visiting our events page!

Animals and nature are especially close to my heart. I enjoy capturing a particular expression or pose that conveys the uniqueness of each animal I paint.
A little about me...I grew up in a small southwestern Ontario town and moved to Toronto in the mid 80's. A love of plants, gardening and design inspired me to pursue an education at Humber College North Campus, specializing in Landscape Technology and Design. After graduation I accepted an administrative position in the healthcare sector and continued to create landscape designs in the evening. Ultimately, I realized my true passion was to become an artist.
I am grateful to have had opportunities to learn from established and internationally known wildlife artists; all have provided valuable insights and techniques that I incorporate into my own progressing style. I absolutely love working with a variety of mediums including scratchboard, acrylics, oils and pastels. My work has been selected for a number of juried shows and I am a member of several art clubs and associations.
I am now thoroughly enjoying being a full time artist and working in my home studio with my canine, and occasionally, feline assistants!