D. W. Hunter Wilson Drug Store

D. W. Hunter Wilson Drug Store, 1911 Source: Etobicoke Historical Society

An image of unoccupied building available for lease, 2019 Source: Google Image Capture

D. W. Hunter Wilson Drug Store, 1911 Source: Etobicoke Historical Society
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D. W. Hunter Wilson was a druggist and chemist who opened his drug store at the formerly known 89 Lakeshore Rd. The store sold medicines, perfumes, stationary, ice cream and candy. However, Wilson’s Drug Store was truly known in the late 1912 to open the first telephone exchange in New Toronto.
The shop had 34 subscribers, while the telephone exchange contained 48 lines that only operated during the daytime hours.
The used-to-be only existing building (conjoint with Fred J. Hicks Hardware) on the street is now occupied with similar 2-level structures that probably started to exist in the late 1930s.
Recently, the property was owned and operated by MGA Food Market alongside other commercial business institutions. At this present time, the building is unoccupied and available for lease.