The Mimico Branch Asylum officially received its first patients in January of 1890. The initial patients received were all transferred from one of the existing institutions: Toronto, London, Hamilton, or Kingston, and tended to be those who were deemed by the administrations of those institutions to have been too-long insane and unlikely to recovery. This was in line with the treatment philosophy of the superintendent at the Toronto Asylum who advocated for the opening of the branch, but within the first few years of administration, referrals expanded from this specified demographic to include the more general population of patients from the other institutions in Western Ontario that were in need of alleviation from overcrowding.
416-675-6622 ext. 3801
The Hospital History Project records ongoing research focused on the history of the Lakeshore Psychiatric Hospital. Content is currently being added on a decade-by-decade basis.
For an update on the project, please visit the project's home page.