John Sheane’s Hotel

John Sheane's Hotel, 1890 Original source unknown

Almont Hotel, 1953 Source: Toronto Public Library

Humber College's Fashion Institute, 2019 Source: Google Image Capture

John Sheane's Hotel, 1890 Original source unknown
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John Sheane’s Hotel was built in 1890. It was considered as a perfect location for the reason that the establishment was halfway between the farms of the Peel region and the markets of downtown Toronto. For that case, the hotel became a popular overnight stop of farmers.
The accommodation house was also located across the Mimico Asylum, which gave the patients a chance to socialize as dances were often organized by the young people of the neighbourhood. The hotel was managed by the family until they decided to move to Elmbank in 1896.
By 1935, the establishment was renamed Almont Hotel until its closure in the early 1980’s.
In 1984, Carl Thomas Georgevich and John Paul Evans purchased the historic building. From a hotel, the building became Chatter's Restaurant in the 1980s, Vendetta's Bar and Grill in 1990s, and Phantom Lounge in the early 2000s.
Today, although renovated, the building still exists, and is now owned by Humber College and recognized as the college’s Fashion Institute building.