Exploring South Etobicoke’s hidden stories through Postcards
Mislabeled as “Mimico Sanitorium” (it was never called this), the Cricket Pitch on the grounds of the Lakeshore Psychiatric Hospital depicts an idyllic scene of play. The camera faces north toward the Hospital's campus, with male players mid-game in front of manicured landscaping and blue skies.

Transcription: "Hello my dearest [Jry] Pedro. So you have had a nice time this Xmas and Mrs. Clements have been down to . give her my love when you see her again. So Arch is coming home soon [?]. Thank you for your nice letter so please you are all keeping well. foundest love and please give Mamma + Dada a good big kiss for Liney for the New Year + be a good girl. God bless you from your loving Bro + Sis Liniy + Sam xxxxx Jan 10th 1914 Canada"

Transcription: "Hello my dearest [Jry] Pedro. So you have had a nice time this Xmas and Mrs. Clements have been down to . give her my love when you see her again. So Arch is coming home soon [?]. Thank you for your nice letter so please you are all keeping well. foundest love and please give Mamma + Dada a good big kiss for Liney for the New Year + be a good girl. God bless you from your loving Bro + Sis Liniy + Sam xxxxx Jan 10th 1914 Canada"
The Hospital adhered to Victorian gender identities and roles, and throughout its history divided patients between male and female binaries. The cottages in this image housed the dormitories and cafeterias for female patients. Labour assignments were also prescribed by assigned gender, though all patient labour was unpaid.

The Cricket Pitch is still in use today as part of Colonel Samuel Smith Park, just south of the Cottage Buildings of Lakeshore Campus.

Female patients were assigned to tasks inside the service buildings that ran down the centre of campus: they performed work in the kitchens, laundry, and were charged with cleaning the wards and dormitories of the cottages.
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Transcription: "PT course at Long Branch Ont."

Transcription: "PT course at Long Branch Ont."
The “Small Arms Factory” postcard shows a company of male soldiers performing training exercises outside the Small Arms Manufacturing Plant. This scene was captured with the purpose of showcasing strength and security under the looming threat of World War II.

Reflecting a similar gendered separation as the “Mimico Sanitorium” postcard, the buildings in the background of the “Small Arms Factory” hide women from the camera’s view. With the majority of the male population overseas, women previously barred from the workforce found an opportunity for employment to make munitions and materials in support of the war effort.
At full operation, the munitions plant employed 5,500 people, with approximately 3,454 of that population recorded as women. Although at the time women composed the working majority, they were not included in the scene circulated on this postcard, which begs the question:
What was the reason for this image?

The former arms factory is now the Small Arms Inspection Building at Lakeshore and Cawthra in Mississauga!

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Curated by:
Nadine Finlay
Sarah LeFresne
Virtual Exhibition Curated by:
Nadia Tagoe
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